Owner/Lead Specialist
Articles Of Incorporation / Business Setup / Corporate Tax Services / Federal (EIN) Number / Notary Public / Offer In Compromise / QuickBooks Setup / Small Business Taxes / Tax Planning / Tax Preparation
Phone: 313-629-5340
E-mail: glasstaxservice@yahoo.com
Brenda Williams is the founder of GlassTax, LLC – a Michigan based business specializing in Income tax preparation and IRS representation. As a tax professional, Brenda has helped individuals, families, businesses, and non profit organizations navigate the complex US Tax Code. Her years of experience and on-going tax knowledge enable her to solve the most complex tax issues and disputes.
I am in awe and forever thankful, yet sometimes can’t believe a Firm is in my name. In the beginning I was just looking to earn a little extra. I wanted to learn more so I took a tax class to be educated about helping people. It has been 13 years and I continue to find satisfaction in helping people and learning more to benefit the community.